

Flippin' baby!

This past Friday, Baby Bird learned how to flip over, at least one way.  He's been trying for a while but hadn't quite managed to work out the kinks until now.  And of course, once he learned, he couldn't stop himself.  Only trouble is, he gets stuck.  Flips easily from his back to his front, but once there, he's trapped.  They say (and I'm always trying to figure out exactly who They are) that it's easier for babies to flip from their front to their back.  Baby Bird seems to have gotten the memo backwards.  Whether it's his prematurity, or just his personality, he seems to have bypassed the easy for the hard.  Ha!  I bet he can't do the easy thing because he's overcomplicated it.  Must take after his mother.

I caught some of his earliest flips on video.  Here's a couple of examples (I didn't catch his first flip on video, so that's why they're named Take Two and Take Three, though Take Three is really probably Take Five or Take Six, he was constantly flipping once he got started).  So proud of him!


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